These are some of the writings that are fit to print....



Little Red Haired Girl
This was the first thing I wrote and didn't throw away. I cannot remember the girl that inspired it, but the title comes from the mythical "Lil' Red Haired Girl" that Charlie Brown has always been so enamored with.  RIP Sparky.


Late Night in Informercial Hell
One of my money-making works (It made me $30 in a poetry slam). The things mentioned in it are woefully out of date, but here it is anyway.


Sometimes you can look so deep inside yourself, you'll have trouble getting out...


Crayons: An Experiment in Rhyme
Some claim this was my best. Its my biggest money poem (earning about $200). Its p.c. AND it rhymes. Go figure.


She Sings
This was written for a friend of mine. She sang. A lot.



More will be posted if anybody appears to give a damn.


Screw this artsy-fartsy shite. Where's the vitriolic rage?